Today seemed so surreal. I could hear the words Janelle was saying to me through the phone, and it was like everything stopped moving.
When I moved to Salt Lake City last September, my heart was only half here. I remember starting my first day at the MAC counter, and just thinking to myself, what had I gotten myself into? As my first few days passed, everyone kept buzzing about this girl Dani. I was anxious to meet her, and when I did she was everything they said she was, and more. I saw this beautiful statue of a girl standing before me, with the sweetest eyes.
I knew from that moment on, that she was someone who I would hold near and dear to my heart forever.
I remember when I found out that she was only twenty, I was so taken a back by it. She was wise beyond her years, and had such compassion and conviction in the things she talked about. Even though I was Dani's manager she was someone I really looked up to, and looked to when it came to finding my creative spark on a lot of days when I was just wasn’t finding it. Dani was such a light in my life in this past year. She made me have a reason to come to work, and I looked forward to every day that I worked with her. It was seeing that wide grin looking at me, wrapping her arms around me when I needed them, that made me love coming to work. I remember scheduling her with me intentionally because she lifted me up so much.
Dani could command the presence in a room, there was something about her that made you want to stop, look, and listen. She was beautiful, inside and out.
I sit here now, and I can't wrap my heard around the idea of her being gone. I know she is doing her rendition of Bad Romance right now...I love you my sweet peacefully, look after us, we need you now more than ever..
Beautiful, Kell.