Thursday, September 27, 2012

Let Her Go

I've always been whatever my age is going on--fifty. Always acting like I had all the answers...never wanting to be wrong, always demanding to be right. (Don't act surprised.)

I once told a good friend..."you can never truly be great until you humble yourself." Funny how we can articulate the most poignant of  words, and not really listen to them ourselves. At that point in my life, I don't think I had lived a humble moment. It took states between, and time to pass for me to truly understand what the world 'humble' meant. I'm not saying at 27 that I have even began to experience life, really I have only just arrived. Happiness called out my name, and for the first time I chose to hear it. I decided to stop pretending I was great, and actually become it...and I've got a WAYS to go.

I write this tonight, to say this...I am truly humbled. Constantly amazed at this crazy train I call my life, stuck in this dream that I am truly living in. I'm ready for everything that life has to offer me...I can stand tall today and say...
I'm here.

1 comment:

  1. You're amazing. And still, you motivate and inspire me everyday.
