Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How can I love, when I'm afraid?

It's true what they say, Mother knows best. My Mom always seems to find the words to calm my spirit, and put ease on my heart.
Her wise words tonight, put me one step closer. To what? I have no idea. I believe, I can find what I am looking for if I keep my eyes wide open.
Maybe all these years, I have been distracted. I've been distracted by the fear or the unknown. It's forced me to keep my eyes shut. How many times have I passed the path I was meant to be on? I am not letting my best life pass me by anymore...
I am here, and I am ready to start this journey. No fear, no regret. Letting love surround me in all corners...I really have the best support system in the world.

If you don't love yourself, how the hell can you love someone else?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

sometimes the hardest thing, and the right thing are the same

Lately, I've wished I could be invisible. I've wished that I could go back to my normal routine, and forget everything that lay in the past. What is it about me, that I can't seem to set free my mind when it is in such turmoil? Why must I dwell so much? When will I see the light...
I keep telling myself, that I have seen that light at the end of the tunnel. I remember that last time I saw it so clearly, maybe that's what scary, I know it wasn't easy. I'm standing in the middle of the same room, unable to move, as it spins around me at a rapid speed. There's a constant knot in my throat, burning in my eyes, quiver in my lips. I know
I am, but I am trying to remember who I was--alone.
Mostly, I am terrified. Scared of the journey that lies ahead of me, scared to watch someone I care about so deeply turn away for me. Loving someone still, when they don't love you anymore. I wish I could turn it off, I will get there...with time, I just wish it was right now.